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DearPDF Lite vs Pro Comparison

3 min read

DearPDF for WordPress is available in two versions. DearPDF-lite version is available in WordPress official plugin repository and you can install DearPDF-lite from your wp-admin area. We recommend users try the lite version first. And when needed, then upgrade to the premium version.

Lite Version Features: #

If you have any PDF link in your page, they are already converted to PDF Viewer. This can be enabled or Disabled in Full Version.


GLFW Manual – Opens in Default Viewer.

GLFW Manual- New Tab – is set to open in new tab, so won’t open in viewer – opens in new tab.

2. Vertical PDF Viewer: #

View PDF documents in vertical mode. The most common layout used by PDF viewer, also available in DearPDF.

3. PDF Flipbook viewer: #

View PDF documents in realistic 3D Flipbook mode or HTML5 CSS flipbook. Best for showcasing design documents or documents that have aesthetic values.

4. Embedded Inline viewer:  #

PDF viewer is added directly to the page or post using default inline shortcode. Best for viewing single PDF in a page. Not recommended for multiple viewers/PDFs in a page.

5. Basic Lightbox Popups (Button):  #

Create popup based viewers and flipbooks that open inside a lightbox. Best for multiple documents in a page.

6. PDF Viewer in attachment page: #

Your PDF attachment page is already converted to PDF viewer without any need to create a DearPDF post.

7. Table of content: #

Table of contents(document outline) on the PDF is created from the PDF file.

Upcoming Lite Features:

  1. Flipbook Categories(UPCOMING FEATURE): Create categories and display flipbooks in a group or a list. New flipbooks on the categories are automatically displayed without changing the category shortcode.

PRO Version Features: #

  1. All Features from Lite Version.
  2. More Popup Light-boxes: Thumbs, Link and Custom type light-boxes. Example:
  3. CSS class name shortcode: Any builder that supports class name, now can use our CSS shortcode. Convert any element to trigger lightbox flipbook, buttons, images, blurb. Example: Main image on
  4. PDF through URL: Open a PDF, on same domain, in flipbook or PDF viewer by passing it in URL: Example:
  5. Auto PDF thumbnails (Beta Feature): Thumbs for PDF are auto-created to be used in thumb popup solution.
  6. PDF links: Links inside PDF will be clickable and open the links attached. Beware that the links need to be defined explicitly. Example:
  7. Auto Link Detection (Beta Feature): Detects possible links within a PDF document even if they were not defined explicitly.
  8. Global settings: You can set settings for all flipbooks


  1. Controls Customization: Add or remove controls in the flipbook.
  2. Translation: Change the text of controls and share text
  3. Google Analytics: Log flipbook load and first-page flip to detect basic user interaction
  4. Padding: Set left and right padding between the flipbook and the container
  5. Zoom Ratio: Control the value of zoom
  6. Share Prefix: Change the prefix to your need, the default prefix is pdf
  7. Links Target Setting: Set the links to open in the current tab or new tab.
  8. Embedded Attachment PDF: Choose how to display the attachment PDF on the attachment page.
  9. PDF Partial Loading Size: PDF partial loading chunk size can be set as per your requirement.

8 thoughts on “DearPDF Lite vs Pro Comparison”

  1. Good day, I installed lite version and wanted to buy the Pro version, but it is working on my computer and on my cellphone (Flippdf) but does not seem to work for others. i can not figure out what is wrong ?

  2. Hello.
    This plugin replaces dearflip? Will dearflip be abandoned in the future in favor of this one? It’s confusing to me.
    I need it to display PDF books, but I’m torn between the premium version of it and Dearflip.
    Dearflip has more customization options in the Premium version than this plugin, which is what I need to hide, for example, the share button in the PDF flipbook view.

    1. HI,

      No DearPDF will not replace DearFlip.
      DearPDF is only PDF viewer solution.

      DearFlip will continue to support pdf and images and future sources in flipbook format.

      If you only display PDFs, go for DearPDF.

      If you create FLipbooks from pdfs, images, Future(gallaries, instagaram) go for DearFlip.

      Best Regards

  3. Hi,

    does the LITE version still contains the “XSS vulnerability in DearPDF <= 2.0.38"?

    What about the Pro version – is it fixed here?

    Kind regards,


    1. Hi,
      Lite version is closed in and we are suggesting users to move to Dearflip if possible.
      There will be a migration plugin by the end of 2025

      The vulnerability is fixed in DearPDF pro. yet we recommend moving to DearFlip Pro is you are planning to purchase.

      Best Regards,

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